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What is an FFL and how does it affect my experience with Renegade FirearmsAn FFL, or Federal Firearms License, is a certification granted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to individuals or businesses engaged in the sale, manufacture, or importation of firearms and ammunition. Renegade Firearms holds an FFL, which means we are authorized to legally conduct firearm transactions and transfers. This ensures that all firearms we sell are sourced legally and responsibly. It also means that we are able to facilitate firearm transfers for our customers who purchase firearms from other FFL holders. Our FFL status reflects our commitment to strict compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, ensuring a safe and legal experience for our customers.
Why must I ship to an FFL when purchasing a firearm from Renegade FirearmsA: Shipping to a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder is required by federal law when purchasing a firearm from Renegade Firearms. This is because the FFL holder will conduct a background check and ensure that the purchaser is legally allowed to possess the firearm. It is also a crucial part of maintaining the safety and security of the firearm purchasing process, as the FFL holder will verify the identity and eligibility of the purchaser, as well as keep a record of the transaction. By shipping to an FFL, Renegade Firearms ensures that all legal requirements are met and that firearms are only transferred to responsible and law-abiding individuals. Thank you for understanding and complying with this important regulation.
How do I find an FFL (Federal Firearms License)?Finding a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder on Google is fairly straightforward. First, open your web browser and enter "FFL near me" or "FFL dealer near me" into the search bar. Google will then provide you with a list of nearby FFL holders, including Renegade Firearms, along with their contact information, location, and customer ratings. You can also use Google Maps to search for FFL dealers in your area, which will display their physical addresses and directions. Additionally, Renegade Firearms may have their website listed on Google, providing further details about their services, hours of operation, and available inventory. If you have any additional questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to Renegade Firearms directly for personalized support. We suggest informing the FFL dealer you have a transfer coming to avoid confusion,
What should I do if I've lost the owner's manual for my firearm purchased from Renegade Firearms?If you have lost the owner's manual for your firearm purchased from Renegade Firearms, don't worry. You can always reach out to our customer service team for assistance. We can provide you with a digital version of the manual, as well as answer any questions you may have about your firearm,. We have also provided a digital copy here.
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